Nov 11, 2015 | jtalbot | 1654 views
Complete A Survey and get a chance to win a Gift Card for Sport Chek
Parents and Players encouraged to complete the survey!
We are following up on an email sent to you recently about a study on minor hockey study being conducted at the University of Toronto. We just wanted to check in and see that you received the email and to remind you that the survey is available until the end of November at
If you have already completed the survey, thank you for your participation! We are getting a good response from parents completing the surveys, but we are having a difficult time getting athletes to complete. We are looking for any additional ways to get the study information and survey link sent out to athletes. If possible, we would appreciate it if you could help us to spread the word about our study by sending the survey link to parents and athletes involved in minor hockey.
We also want to remind you that by participating in the online survey, your email will be entered in a draw for one of 20 Sport Chek gift cards valued at $50 or $100!
If you have any questions about the study, you can contact [email protected] or the project director, Dr. Katherine Tamminen at [email protected]
Thanks again,
Research Assistant/Master’s student
Sport and Performance Psychology Lab
Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education
University of Toronto
[email protected]