Registration deadline is coming!!!, News (Southwest Bullets)

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May 01, 2017 | mwramsay | 937 views
Registration deadline is coming!!!
Don't put it off any longer, please register for the 2017-2018 season today! The late fee will be applied after May 31st. Players that are new to Southwest are exempt from the late fee but are encouraged to register early.

The hockey program (IP) for kids 5 and under is especially looking for new players. For only $225, the IP program is a great way get started in hockey.

Please go to the registration section for more information, or click the link below.

General Information

Tim Hortons
Our 2019/2020 Southwest Bullets Mite IP and Minor Novice Sponsor! Always Fresh! 190 Main Street Glencoe Ontario 519-287-2424
Jin's Wicked Wok
2020-2021 Sponsor for our Novice Team! 256 Main Street Glencoe 519-287-3118
Allan Heating
Thank you for your continued support!! Allan Heating 151 Water St, Glencoe ON N0L 1M0 (519) 287-2229
Guardian Glencoe Pharmacy
Southwest Bullets would like to thank the Guardian Glencoe Pharmacy for your support!
Melbourne Farm Automation Ltd.
A Leader In Grain Handling Solutions We design and customize solutions to meet any job. Big or small. With suppliers such has Brock, Exacon, and Lambton. We will find the solution that best suits your needs.
Ritchie Home Builder LTD