Southwest Bullets Minor Hockey Executive and Board have made a decision on the direction for our programming for the next couple weeks. Please see the attached article.
Response to London-Middlesex Health Unit Catchment Moving into Red Zone.
To all SWMHA families,
The Executive and Board members of Southwest Minor Hockey Association have made the decision to pause all hockey operations starting December 14th until at least December 27th. Our reasoning for coming to this conclusion is that we need time to develop a program that fits into the regulations that come with being in the Red Zone. As we get closer to December 27th another communication will be sent regarding the next step and more information will be provided as we receive it. This could include a return to modified activity or even a prolonged period of pause.
This decision was a hard one to make but we feel that it is the best for our players and families. We are going to take this time to re-organize our programs to offer the best opportunities and experience for our players.
Sean VanBilsen
President, Southwest Minor Hockey Association