Feb 02, 2021 | Sean VanBilsen | 1527 views
Return to Play Update
Return to Hockey Update:
The board of Southwest Minor Hockey is making every effort possible to have a plan in place for programming once we are given permission by the local health units and local government. Our plan is to return with a program that will see players on the ice practicing and developing with their team from the earliest date possible until the 3rd week of March or when the ice is removed from the arenas.
We also understand that some players might not have an interest in returning to play, or may want to wait until closer to the time to decide. All we ask is that you let us know your wishes no later than one week after we return to play by contacting Sean VanBilsen at [email protected].
Additionally, the board has decided to offer a two-tier refund. All registered players will be given a refund for the time missed from Dec 14th to Feb 9th, equivalent to 32% of your registration fee. If you opt out of returning to play in February and March you will be entitled to 54% of the registration fees. These refunds will be issued at the conclusion of the season and in the form of how you paid originally. Keep up to date with the latest news and information on our plan and timing by checking the website or our Facebook and Twitter accounts.
Thank you