Updates....., News, PeeWee Tri-County, 2013/2014 (Southwest Bullets)

This Team is part of the 2013/2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Nov 15, 2013 | mnicol | 922 views
Hello PeeWee families and players been a while since I posted and update....here is the latest novel...

On Ice---
We are thrilled with the way the year is going - not just because scores are going our way but because the kids are all gelling really well - our last game we saw some good adversity during the first period but worked through it and got the Southwest engines revving during the second and third.  We'll continue to impress on the kids to have fun, control the game and to make plays. Lines - if we have our full team I am happy with the way lines are going - sometimes during a game we move things around, but has never been a reflection of negative play or attitude it has just been to reward efforts and try different things.  The kids seam very receptive and we are thrilled with efforts. 

We have been working on systems in practices - so be patient as this often slows the pace of practice - and we are still figuring out how our group of kids absorbs things. One thing we have noticed as the kids get to know each other better and socialize more, it's natural to take longer to get ready - which cuts into the time Jack and I and the rest of the staff have to teach the kids more (on you-tube video time).  So please if you could strongly encourage you kids to continue too strive to be ready for practices about 20 minutes early.  Folks who know they are going to be late have been doing a great job of communicating that - so thanks for that.

Things have been going well, as per above.  Despite this Jack and I and staff will continue to gently push the kids to be the best they can be - obviously with mixed experience we expect more from some so they may be pushed harder but we are aware they are only 11-12 year olds - so please provide feedback to us.

Tim Hamilton has agreed to act as Parent Rep - and has talked our Sarnia Sting Pre-game project - please feel free to communicate with Tim about team stuff and he will communicate to the staff.  That's an official avenue Hockey Canada wants us to have available.  Having said this I feel Jack and myself and any other staff are always approachable so please feel free to grab us after/before games for Banter.

-It appears that we (I) may have dropped the puck on a rescheduled game from Oct 5th and we need to make that up so it looks like it will be Friday Nov 22nd at 7:30 in Ridgetown. 
-I am told our first Tartan Tournament game will be at 8:00am on Saturday November 23rd - I  don't have full schedule yet but I am told there are 7 teams all guaranteed 3 games so I suspect there will be three games Saturday and possibly play on Sunday.
-There will be two Ridgetown games come off of our Schedule as it turned out they only had one team and not two.  One in December and one in January.

Tartan Tournament
- I haven't gotten a volunteer list or been asked to provide anything for this tournament.   I look at this as an opportunity for our team to really be a host and represent our organization and communities.  I would hope that everyone would step up and pitch in as they see needs, regardless of volunteer list.  I think all families have experienced enough tournaments to know how these things go.  We really want to make the other teams feel welcome and enjoy their experience and feel part of the greater hockey community.  My experience is that when out-of town parents are engaged by the host families it really creates a fun experience.  So if you find yourself doing a 50-50 or just standing beside someone in the lobby - ask them how their year is going and have a short chat.

Other Tournaments
Still on course for Strathroy and Seaforth
We will have an envelope ready soon and we need to start collecting the $132 per family to cover our three tournaments.
I have a block of rooms booked at the Stratford Festival Inn under Southwest PeeWee for our team - those need to be booked by you before mid-January. I know some families struggle with kid going different directions - ours included as I am going to miss my daughter's.  I guarantee you other families on our team will step up and offer rides/lodging as needed - so reach out.

Wow - great novel - gotto go - keep your stick on the ice
Coach Millar