BULLETS OUTSHINE STARS, News, PeeWee Shamrock, 2013/2014 (Southwest Bullets)

This Team is part of the 2013/2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jan 23, 2014 | jtidball | 2054 views
Glencoe Legion's Southwest Bullets Peewee Shamrock team edged out St.Thomas Stars in a thrilling exhibition game Sunday.

Trenton Lunn opened up the scoring at 3:04 in the first period, assisted
by Jack McAlpine.  Ethan Carruthers boosted the score to 2 -
0 at 11:27 in the second period.  Jayden Keating earned the assist.
The Bullets skated hard and controlled the play throughout the first two
periods. They executed their breakouts well and pushed the Stars hard,
forcing their goalie to make some outstanding stops.

St Thomas rallied in the third period, scoring at 13:20, 11:27, and yet
one more time at 8:08 to take the lead.  Defenseman Elijah Barnes,
assisted by Carruthers, tied it up at 6:48.  Lunn clinched the win with
his second goal of the game at 1:21.  Tristan Tidball on the assist.

The Bullets have one more exhibition game this Thursday, January 23 in
Ilderton vs. the Jets, before heading into OMHA playdowns in Arthur.